[JIRA] Wanna replace this JWT boolean condition with Adaptavist?

I’m not an ambassador for Adaptavist, but just blogging this piece just in case if anyone finds interesting.

In some JIRA workflow configurations you might let certain statuses to allow any status transition inbound. This effectively allows a “transition loop”, making it possible to transition to itself. In UI/UX perspective, this wastes screen space for an additional transition button.

Continue reading “[JIRA] Wanna replace this JWT boolean condition with Adaptavist?”
[JIRA] Wanna replace this JWT boolean condition with Adaptavist?

Be your own boss BS

Recently I saw a funny YouTube ad. Actually two of them. That made both of them look funny.

Two consecutive ads from two multilevel marketing persons from the same scheme! Two people competing each other telling me the same yada yada. Each person was trying their best to convince the viewer to visit own website.

Continue reading “Be your own boss BS”
Be your own boss BS

[Oracle] ORA-01950 with REMAP_TABLESPACE – Solved!

Today I’ve been importing an Oracle database to a test server to copy a JIRA instance. I’m doing this after many years, because, at work what I would have normally done is submitting a ticket to DBAs. However, in this case, this is a personal database server I maintain for testing purposes, so I’m on my own. 🙂
Continue reading “[Oracle] ORA-01950 with REMAP_TABLESPACE – Solved!”

[Oracle] ORA-01950 with REMAP_TABLESPACE – Solved!

“Bypass” JIRA SSO login when SSO isn’t working

Today I hit a snag when I was attempting to log into one of our JIRA dev environments where SSO unexpectedly wasn’t working properly and it didn’t let me in.

So here’s my workaround.
Continue reading ““Bypass” JIRA SSO login when SSO isn’t working”

“Bypass” JIRA SSO login when SSO isn’t working

[Facebook] The Questions trap – get the questions YOU want

So I’ve been playing around with one of those recent Facebook features. That’s called “Did You Know?” aka Fun Facts.

I kept tapping on “New Question” most of the time because I wasn’t sure what to do with the most. You really need to think more than twice before posting anything on social media these days. Some questions like “A flaw of mine…” are too dangerous to answer unless you’re being sarcastic or posting some smart answer. Also, I my gut feeling tells me that Facebook may use some of the intelligence gathered through fun facts for targeted advertising and marketing. Who wants to be a target, eh?

Continue reading “[Facebook] The Questions trap – get the questions YOU want”

[Facebook] The Questions trap – get the questions YOU want

The importance of SIM card lock

Do you use Two Factor Authentication with your mobile phone? Do you use your phone as a password recovery option? In case if you are wondering what the hell is two factor authentication, let me simplify it like this. Have you coupled your Gmail/ Facebook/ etc. account with your mobile phone in a way that you receive a ‘code’ that you should enter in the web browser? If so, read on this short note.

Continue reading “The importance of SIM card lock”

The importance of SIM card lock

Encrypted Volumes: Header Backup is Important!

So I’ve been reading more on cryptsetup man page and found this interesting excerpt:

If the header of a LUKS volume gets damaged, all data is permanently lost unless you have a header-backup. If a key-slot is damaged, it can only be restored from a header-backup or if another active key-slot with known passphrase is undamaged. Damaging the LUKS header is something people manage to do with surprising frequency. This risk is the result of a trade-off between security and safety, as LUKS is designed for fast and secure wiping by just overwriting header and key-slot area.

Continue reading “Encrypted Volumes: Header Backup is Important!”

Encrypted Volumes: Header Backup is Important!

Expanding a LUKS encrypted disk image

Yesterday I wrote about How to create an encrypted LUKS disk image.

Today I wanted to experiment more with it. I wanted to try resizing a LUKS volume, and after one failed attempt I found a way. If you still have the disk image of yesterday’s example, just follow me. 🙂

Continue reading “Expanding a LUKS encrypted disk image”

Expanding a LUKS encrypted disk image

How to create an encrypted LUKS disk image

This could be a great alternative if you have used TrueCrypt encrypted volumes.

I’ve been a TrueCrypt lover for a long time, even after it was allegedly killed. But now I’m starting to think that it’s not a good option for long term safekeeping of my memories. At time point in a future release of Linux if dependencies for TrueCrypt stop working that’s death to my archives.  Fortunately we have LUKS since 2004! After using LUKS for a couple of years I think it’s very reliable.

Continue reading “How to create an encrypted LUKS disk image”

How to create an encrypted LUKS disk image